Source code for

import logging

import dtoolcore

import numpy as np

from PIL import Image

[docs]class WrappedDataSet( """Subclass of pytorch Dataset that provides dtool DataSet methods. This class mostly provides methods that consumers of DataSets require, and passes those methods onto its internal DataSet object. Args: uri: URI for enclosed dtool DataSet. """ def __init__(self, uri): self.dataset = dtoolcore.DataSet.from_uri(uri) def put_overlay(self, overlay_name, overlay): self.dataset.put_overlay(overlay_name, overlay) def get_annotation(self, annotation_name): return self.dataset.get_annotation(annotation_name) @property def name(self): return @property def uri(self): return self.dataset.uri @property def uuid(self): return self.dataset.uuid
[docs]def scaled_float_array_to_pil_image(array): """Convert an array of floats to a PIL image. Args: array (np.ndarray): Array representing an image. Expected to be float and normalised between 0 and 1. Returns: A PIL Image object created from the array """ intarray = (255 * array).astype(np.uint8) if len(array.shape) > 3: raise ValueError(f"Can't handle array of shape {array.shape}") if len(array.shape) == 2: return Image.fromarray(intarray) elif len(array.shape) == 3: intarray = np.transpose(intarray, (1, 2, 0)) channels = intarray.shape[2] if channels == 1: return Image.fromarray(intarray.squeeze()) elif channels == 3: return Image.fromarray(intarray) else: raise ValueError(f"Can't handle image with {channels} channels") else: raise ValueError(f"Can't handle array with shape {array.shape}")
[docs]def coerce_to_fixed_size_rgb(im, target_dim): """Convert a PIL image to a fixed size and 3 channel RGB format.""" if im.mode not in ['RGB', 'L']: raise Exception(f"Unknown image mode: {im.mode}") resized_im = im.resize(target_dim) if im.mode is 'RGB': return resized_im return resized_im.convert('RGB')
[docs]class ImageDataSet(WrappedDataSet): """Class allowing a collection of images annotated with categories to be used as both a Pytorch Dataset and a dtool DataSet.""" def __init__(self, uri, usetype='train'): super().__init__(uri) self.loaded_images = {} self.cat_lookup = self.dataset.get_overlay('category') self.cat_encoding = self.dataset.get_annotation('category_encoding') self.image_dim = 256, 256 try: usetype_overlay = self.dataset.get_overlay('usetype') self.identifiers = [ idn for idn in self.dataset.identifiers if usetype_overlay[idn] == usetype ] except dtoolcore.DtoolCoreKeyError: self.identifiers = self.dataset.identifiers self.idn_lookup = {n: idn for n, idn in enumerate(self.identifiers)} def __len__(self): return len(self.identifiers) def __getitem__(self, index): idn = self.idn_lookup[index] if idn not in self.loaded_images: logging.debug(f"Loading {self.dataset.item_content_abspath(idn)}") im = resized_converted = coerce_to_fixed_size_rgb(im, self.image_dim) channels_first = np.moveaxis(np.array(resized_converted), 2, 0) self.loaded_images[idn] = channels_first.astype(np.float32) / 255 return self.loaded_images[idn], self.cat_encoding[self.cat_lookup[idn]] @property def input_channels(self): return 3 @property def dim(self): return self.image_dim[0]
[docs]class TensorDataSet(WrappedDataSet): """Class that allows numpy arrays to be accessed as both a pytorch Dataset and a dtool DataSet.""" def __init__(self, uri): super().__init__(uri) tensor_file_idn = self.dataset.get_annotation("tensor_file_idn") npy_fpath = self.dataset.item_content_abspath(tensor_file_idn) self.X = np.load(npy_fpath, mmap_mode=None) labels_idn = dtoolcore.utils.generate_identifier("labels.npy") labels_fpath = self.dataset.item_content_abspath(labels_idn) self.y = np.load(labels_fpath, mmap_mode=None) self.image_dim = self.dataset.get_annotation("image_dimensions") self.tensor = self.X self.labels = self.y def __len__(self): return self.tensor.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, index): raw = self.tensor[index] scaledfloat = raw.astype(np.float32) / 255 label = self.labels[index] return scaledfloat.reshape(*self.image_dim), int(label) @property def input_channels(self): """The number of channels each tensor provides.""" return self.image_dim[0] @property def dim(self): """The linear dimensions of the tensor, e.g. it is dim x dim in shape. """ return self.image_dim[1]
[docs]def create_tensor_dataset_from_arrays( output_base_uri, output_name, data_array, label_array, image_dim, readme_content ): """Create a dtool DataSet with the necessary annotations to be used as a TensorDataSet. Args: output_base_uri: The base URI where the dataset will be created. output_name: The name for the output dataset. data_array (ndarray): The numpy array holding data. label_array (ndarray): The numpy array holding labels. image_dim (tuple): Dimensions to which input images should be reshaped. readme_content (string): Content that will be used to create README.yml in the created dataset. Returns: URI: The URI of the created dataset """ with dtoolcore.DataSetCreator(output_name, output_base_uri) as qds: data_fpath = qds.prepare_staging_abspath_promise('data.npy'), data_array) labels_fpath = qds.prepare_staging_abspath_promise('labels.npy'), label_array) data_idn = dtoolcore.utils.generate_identifier('data.npy') qds.put_annotation("tensor_file_idn", data_idn) qds.put_annotation("image_dimensions", image_dim) qds.put_annotation("dtoolAI.inputtype", "TensorDataSet") qds.put_readme(readme_content) return qds.uri