
dtoolAI requires Python version 3 and Pytorch.


Install Pytorch before installing dtoolAI. For information on how to install Pytorch this see the Pytorch getting started guide for details. Version 1.4.0 of Pytorch and 0.5.0 of torchvision are definitely compatible with dtoolAI.

For Windows users, we’d recommend using conda to instal pytorch and torchvision, as per instructions below.

Installing with pip

You can install dtoolAI via the pip package manager:

pip install dtoolai

To understand the examples, it’s also useful to install the dtool meta package. This makes it easier to work with datasets created by dtoolAI:

pip install dtool

Running the example notebooks in the code repository also requires Jupyter:

pip install jupyter

Finally, if you want to run the test suite in the code repository, you’ll need pytest.

pip install pytest

Installing with conda

You can install dtoolAI with conda as follows:

conda install pytorch==1.4.0 torchvision==0.5.0 -c pytorch
conda install dtoolcore dtool-http dtoolai -c dtool

This first installs a version of Pytorch known to work with dtoolAI. If you would like to install the whole dtool command line suite, you’ll need to use pip:

pip install dtool